Early on the morning of October 17th the world lost a bit of magic. A voice was silenced and a song could no longer be sung. My Dad, Richard Frederick McAndrew,passed away silently in his sleep after a brief illness. He did not suffer and was only sick for such a short time. That was such a blessing. I was able to make flight arrangements and get to Pennsylvania by 7pm on the night of the 17th. My sisters and brother and Mom and I were all together and shed many tears as well as had many laughs as we shared memories and thoughts of Dad.
I am SO glad that I was able to be home in August to visit my parents and spend time with my Dad. It was a nice visit. When I left August the 20th my Dad reached toward me and looked me in the eye with a penetrating look that made me wonder if he was saying goodbye to me. It felt so strong and yet I tryed to shake it off. My daughter Becky felt the same thing when she said goodbye too. I guess he was telling us goodbye...or "see you later".
Any one can be a father but it takes someone special to be a Dad. My Dad was the greatest and he always took time for us kids, his grand kids and especially Mom. Mom was the love of his life and we all knew that. He treated her with the greatest respect. For that I admire him greatly.
While we were at the viewing at the funeral home a woman who works for Walmart Stores came to pay her respects to Dad. She told us that everyday when Dad would walk with his friends at Walmart that Dad always took time to say hello to her and ask how she was doing and he gave her his great smile...a thing I will miss so much. I, along with my family were so touched that this woman took time out of her day to pay her respects to Dad. It was a teaching moment. First,as my sister Mary said.."the world saw Dad the way we did" and secondly..how important just saying hi and smiling are to help boost someones day. I learned a valuable lesson from this.
My Dad loved his Irish Ancestry and it was only fitting that at his funeral "Oh Danny Boy" and "When Irish Eyes are Smiling" were sung by the St Bernard's Choir. A Choir that my Dad had sung with for over 50 years.
It has been 3 weeks now since Dad has passed on from this life. He is now with his Mother, Grandmother and other family members that have passed on before him. I am sure they are enjoying having him with them...enjoying him just as much as we are missing him.
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.
I LOVE you Dad
Grace, this was such a touching post. It touched my heart. I am so glad that you had such a great Dad and your tribute to him shows how deeply you love him. Sending you lots of hugs to comfort you in your grief.
I'm so sorry to hear of your father's passing. What a beautiful tribute to someone so dearly loved!
that was a great tribute to your dad. I never knew him but his kindness I have seen through you. Im sure your dad is greatly missed. Until you meet again...
Wow Grace, we are going through similar emotions right now. What a great tribute to your dear Dad. I'm so glad you posted your thoughts and feelings. One day we will see our loved ones again. This brings me so much comfort!
I'm sorry for your loss. What a wonderful tribute.
It seems that so many people have lost loved ones recently. I too loved the things you shared about your dad. And I love the "Irish Blessing" that you put at the end. When I was a sophomore in High school our concert choir sang that song at Best of the Northwest choir competition and took place. When I was a senior the senior choir members sang it at our graduation. It has been sung at every Marshfield graduation since. There were many LDS youth in our choir and it is a tradition that whenever we are together, like we were this summer, that we sing that song. I just had to share this because seeing it here on your blog put a really big smile on my face.
It sounds like he was a great man and such a good Dad. I'm happy that he was yours!
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