As the song goes “another year has gone by” I find myself reflecting. 2009 brought us great joy, sadness and thankfulness for the many blessings that we have shared with family and friends.
Becky made a change in her last name in September when she married Jeff Boudrero. Jeff and Becky began dating last fall and both Wes and I had a feeling right off the bat that this relationship was something special. They are both “adjusting” to married life as newlyweds and moving on with school and jobs. Becky will start up at Utah State and plans to try to take classes in speech and audiology. We are glad to have Jeff as our son in law. They make a cute couple.
Robbie came home last August from Honduras and then in January headed off to Rexburg, Idaho aka BYU-Idaho for school. He attended classes for 2 semesters and is now taking a year break, working and living in Logan, Utah, near Becky. He works at a place that sells and fixes dirt bikes and quads. Right up his alley. He loves it. He has plans to take a trip to Honduras this up coming June if he can work it out.
Sean has hit the “hump” of his mission in Germany. He has been there a year this week. It’s hard to believe how fast this year has gone. He loves Germany and the culture there. His German language is coming along great. He has been in Krefeld, Dusseldorf, Langen and now Kaiserslautern. K Town as he calls it. He thinks it’s a beautiful town and reminds him a lot of Pennsylvania. I know this next year will fly for him!
Bethany is a sophomore in HS. This year has been a bit more challenging as she decided to take an AP European History Class. After the first couple of weeks she wasn’t too sure she wanted to stick with it but so far she’s doing well and learning a lot more than she would have learned in a typical history class. She has taken German and is learning fast to speak Deustch. She wants to be able to converse with both Sean as well as Becky. Bethany continues to take tap and jazz classes and enjoys going on dates. She loves music and it’s great to hear her sing. She was 16 in July and is seeking to get her permit here soon.
Bryan has blossomed this year at middle school. He decided that he wanted to join the 7th grade choir and it has been great for him! He loves to sing and really enjoys being with other kids who love to sing. He is better adjusted to middle school life and is retaining more of what he learns and his reading is improving as well. He has become quite independent about his homework. We don’t even have to ask him to do it! Amazing! Bryan recently celebrated his 14th birthday
Thankfully Wes still has a job at Thomson Group. With companies laying of or closing doors left and right we are praying that Wes’ job holds and that he will be able to continue working and contributing to the high tech world. I have been volunteering at all schools and am trying to work my way into a job as an aide in one of the autism classrooms at the grade school near our home. There is a hiring freeze on jobs so I figure if I volunteer enough I may get a shot one day!
This past summer we made a trip to Pennsylvania. We were lucky to find airline tickets for under $200. A steal! We traveled to Hershey Pa and then off to Ohio to visit Kirtland and Cedar Point. 2 places that we had wanted to go to for a long time.
After leaving Ohio we headed back to Pennsylvania and went to Bradford to visit with my Mom and Dad and other family members. It was great to see everyone. Mom organized a McAndrew Clan reunion. It was held up to Bingham and everyone there had a nice time. Later that day I attended my 30th class reunion. Hard to believe 30 years! I remember my Dad going to his 30th and thinking “he’s so old” now it was hitting me in the face. It is amazing how the years fly.
We left Bradford on August 20th to head back home to Oregon. I am so grateful for the days I had with my Mom and Dad. Never would I have guessed when I said goodbye to my parents that it would be the last time I would see my Dad alive. Dad had had surgery on his neck in early August and we all thought he was going to recover and be fine. But it wasn’t to be. He was diagnosed with congestive heart failure on September 20th and not even a month later he was gone.
I was able to get home the day that Dad died. October 17th…one of the longest days in my life. As I traveled on the plane, on a flight that I knew one day I would have to make my heart ached and I was saddened. I began to think of the wonderful man he was, the wonderful father and grandfather he was and more importantly what a great friend he was to all of us. I miss him dearly and miss hearing him talk, laugh, sing, etc. Many people have fathers but it takes some one special to be a great Dad. I am thankful and feel blessed that Dad was with us for 78 years. He made me laugh and smile and showed me how to do more and be more.
As this year draws to a close I think of the little things I can do to better be like my Dad. Saying hi to the person at the store, asking how someone is doing, give that person a great smile. Things I will always think about when I think of Dad.(not that I didn’t do these things but that I want to try and do them even more)
We hope this Christmas finds you happy and thankful for all that you have. For blessings of family, friends and fond memories.
Merry Christmas and best wishes for 2010,
What a nice update on your family. You have had some big things happen this year! Most of them good and exciting. I am sorry about your Dad. He sounds like a wonderful man.
I love reading family Christmas letters. You have had a busy year and you are an amazing woman. I am proud to call you friend. Love you
I liked reading the update! It was nice talking to you yesterday. I'm excited for the news you shared with me! : )
I loved your christmas letter! I am so sorry to hear about your father passing away. Its so wonderful to hear about your kids and how they are doing. Both Ricks and Utah State are great places so I am sure they are having a fun. Congratulations to Becky for getting married, time really does fly by!
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